Megija Baumane

------- Meguchae ------

One of the best self taught digital artists. Passionate to make vibrant paintings everyday.

[email protected]


Torso - 13€

Portrait - 10€


Torso - 40€

Portrait - 30€


• I have a right to decline a commission for any reason, especially if it goes against my terms.

• I retain all rights to my work, which include the right to use the artwork for self-promotion and upload it to any of my personal galleries or portfolio, unless otherwise agreed upon. I can do private commissions as well, so if you don't want me uploading the finished work to any of my galleries, please let me know beforehand.

• You have the right to use your commission for any personal use you want (avatars, wallpapers, icons, profile pictures, upload it to your own personal galleries with credit given, etc.) just as long as it isn't for commercial use or you claim you created the artwork.

• I try to work on a scheduled work week with designated times to work on commissions and then some time off. However, life happens and this schedule can be disrupted a bit. I will do the best I can to recover the difference in time lost, but understand that certain commissions will take more time.

• Failure to follow the terms in this document will result in the termination of the project.

Payment and Refunds

• Payments are made in EUR via Invoices through Paypal, so your Paypal address is required to send the invoice.

• Commissions are paid 100% upfront.

• The buyer is not allowed a refund once I start working on the commission.

• If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.

• If you cancel your order before I start it, you can get a full refund.


• I will start to work on your commission when I have received an invoice.

• I will send you a sketch and a color palette to discuss if any major changes are needed. Then I will start fully working on the commission.

• All updates in this stage will be presented in low resolution files.

• I will not do any major fixes in the middle or at the end of the drawing process.

• Client and Artist must notify the other of any outside factors that occur (health, family, work, etc.) that may interrupt or hamper project progress.

• Once the image is finished, I'll send you a full resolution file via email.

I will draw:

• Ocs;

• Fanart;

• Humans/humanoids/Fantasy humanoid characters;

• Portraits;

• Animals.

I will NOT draw:

• Explicit nudity or anything sexual (NSFW);

• Furries/anthros and ponies;

• Gore;

• Mech;

• Emulate another individual artist's style;

• In general, I won't draw anything that I'm uncomfortable with, so you can always ask if you're not sure about something.

Before commissioning me, please read terms of service.

For any business inquirers or to commission me send me an e-mail:

Information you need to provide me:

Reference sheet of your character. (more the better);

If there is a specific color pallet or a pose you want me to draw that character then send reference for that to;

Your chosen commission type - Sketch or full painting. Bust or torso;

Paypal address.